Ceramic Inserts

Ceramic inserts, also known as ceramic cutting inserts are cutting tools used in machining and metalworking processes. They are typically based on aluminum oxide, silicon nitride or carbide and are designed to replace traditional carbide cutting inserts in certain machining operations. Ceramics is used due to its unique properties, which include higher hardness and red-hardness than that of carbide.


Features of Ceramics Cutting Inserts

The main feature of cutting ceramics is the absence of a binder, which significantly reduces its softening when heated and allows for the usage cutting speeds much higher than those achievable with carbide inserts.
Ceramic inserts are primarily used in applications where the benefits of their hardness, heat resistance, and wear resistance outweigh their brittleness. Mainly these are finishing operations under rigid technological system conditions.
Development of ceramics cutting tools offers an advantage due to the ready availability of raw materials, unlike carbide, which relies on tungsten, a material subject to supply constraints and price fluctuations.

Ceramics Grades Description

As the cutting tool manufacturer, WENZA has a few grades to optimize the performance of ceramics inserts in specific cutting operations. The selection of the appropriate ceramics grade depends on factors such as the workpiece material, cutting conditions, and the desired machining outcome. Refer to the table below to learn more about ceramics grades and their characteristics.

GradeCompositionColorHardness, HVFracture Toughness, MPa×m1/2ApplicationFeatures
SOGAl2O3+TiC21004General purpose grade for cast iron and hardened steelsHigh thermal stability
SOBAl2O3+TiCN21504.5Basic grade for machining hardened and alloyed steelExcellent wear resistance. CBN alternative
SOFAl2O3+TiCN22004.5Hardened steel and cast iron finishingFine grained structure
SOHFAl2O3+TiCN22504.7Hardened steel and cast iron finishing at high cutting speedExcellent wear resistance and heat resistance
SOZAl2O3+ZrO218004.5Finishing and semi-finishing of cast iron and hardened steelHardening with zirconium. High chemical resistance
SOCTiC+Al2O322004.5Ductile iron with spheroidal graphite and hard materials finishingHigh thermal stability, can be used with coolant
SNMSi3N416005Interrupted cutting roughing. Roll mill machining. MillingSintering without pressure. High strength and heat resistance
SNBSi3N417006Roughing of cast iron at high speedsImproved wear resistance at high cutting speeds
SNB2Si3N417006.5Interrupted cutting roughing at high speedExcellent wear-resistance during SNB2 Si3N4 1700 6.5 interrupted cutting
SNSSi3N4+Al2O317506Nickel-based alloy machining. Interrupted cutting roughing of cast ironsGood thermal stability and thermal conductivity. Great for dealing with long chips in nickel based alloys
SSSSi3N4+Al2O318007Cast iron roughing and interrupted cutting. Turning of hard-to-machine heat-resistant super alloysIncreased hardness. SiAlON. Excellent temperature resistance and thermal conductivity
SWHAl2O3+SiCw21007Machining of high speed steel, high chromium steel at medium and low cutting speeds. Heavy interrupted roughing and semi-finishingExcellent resistance to flank wear and crater wear at high cutting speed
SWSAl2O3+SiCw21007Machining of nickel and cobalt based alloys at high cutting speed. Roughing and finishing continuous and light interrupted cuttingExcellent resistance to flank wear and crater wear at high cutting speed

Cutting Edge Designs

Apart from common ceramics inserts, we at WENZA offer customized ceramics inserts. The geometry of the cutting insert, its shape and cutting edge angles can be designed to suit the specific cutting operation. For more information about customization options refer to the table below.

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Availability in Shapes and Sizes for Ceramics Inserts

Ceramics cutting inserts by WENZA are available in various shapes and sizes, allowing you to select the most suitable tool for your specific application. The choice of shape and size depends on the specific cutting task and the type of machinery being used. Refer to the tables below to learn the shapes and sizes of ceramics inserts available at WENZA.


Looking for a Ceramics Insert?

Contact us and get a free consultation to help you plan and execute your metalworking projects.

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